Sunday, January 23, 2011

Parasite Cleanse

On January 21, 2010 I began my very first parasite cleanse. I have been spending a lot of time online researching the benefits of parasite cleansing. I have also been reading stories about others who have actually cured their CFS by killing off parasites in the body, followed by other treatments. So I figured I would go ahead and give it a try. So far, it's been 2 days and the only thing I notice at all is that I am getting tummy aches. I can deal with that if it's the only side effect. The product I am using is called "Parastroy" and it didn't get rave reviews, but the reason I chose it is because it contains all of the ingredients that make up "Clarkia" which will be my next parasite cleanse purchase. I figured I would buy Parastroy at my local health food store, and if I like it then I will go online and by the Clarkia form, which is supposed to be much stronger. After the Clarkia cleanse then I plan to use the Humaworm cleanse, which is a very intense cleanse. It is also suggested that you let the body heal for 30 days after each cleanse so I plan to do that as well. I will update everyone on how the cleanse is going in a week or two.


  1. Have you looked into black walnut hull and herbal fiberblend by AIM?

  2. Hi, No I haven't checked into that one yet, is it good?

    I have read a lot of great reviews on Clarkia Cleanse. It contains: 37% Alcohol based tincture containing natural extracts from the following three herbs: Black Walnut Green Hull, Cloves & Wormwood leaves and flowers.

    I plan to try this one next. Then Humaworm.
