Sunday, January 23, 2011

Doug Clean cured his CFS - Here is HIS Story.

.................................. THIS IS HOW I KILLED MY CFS ................................

"Contrary to what your doctors have told you the symptoms you're having could be  caused by either Mycoplasma, Parasites infections or both. Toxins are also involved and sometimes viruses but they are usually secondary.

These critters (Mycoplasma and Parasitesare) are very hard to "kill" but not impossible.

This protocol contains 7 different items to kill parasites.
This also contains (4) different items to kill Bacteria and Mycoplasma and (3) different items to kill Viruses.

The products listed here could get you healthy again in 45-90 days!
These products could also possibly have positive effect on other diseases such as Lime disease epilepsy and MS or any disease where parasite and mycoplasma infection might be the primary or secondary cause.

I, Doug Clean, did use everything on this list and I no longer have CFS.

I do not make any money off of the products listed below they are available to anybody.
If you can, Follow the entire protocol. (Unless you are allergic to anything mentioned below)

** 2 bottles (90) Tansfer Factor Clasic ($80)

**1 Bottle Primaquine Phosphate. ($35) 24mg -14 tabelets

**1 Bottle Doxycycline($24.00)

**1 Bottle..... Black walnut, Clove, Wormwood (all-in-one tinctures) ($15-$30)

*1 Bottle Vitamin C 1000mg..($7.00) also vitamin E.

*1 Bottle CQ 10 ($25)

*1 Bottle Milk thistle ($15)

*1 Box Epsom salts ($5)

*1 Good multiple vitamin with iron ($10.00)

* 1 Electronic Zapper ($10) or Hulda Clark Zapper ($189) or Rife Machine with amplifier ($4,000) or F-scan2 ($4,000)

* 4 Trips to the dentest to remove all mercury fillings and root canals Est. ($1,000)

* 5 Compleat (neat treatments) Est ($450)

Note: You should continue using transfer factor (off and on) for up to one year.
(**) Imporntant
(*) not as imporntant
Toa- free Samento or Artemsinin might be able to be substitute instead of primiquen phospate  but you will have to use them for longer.....3-6 months.
This could completely cure you.
BUT like I said, these little critters are very hard to kill .
Most likely you will not have to repeat this process but if you do relaps repeat once.

********** You should complete this  protocol FIRST ! *******

What I did first

Get your teeth done first and start taking a strong multiple vitamin with iron. For some people just doing this cures them.

You can start taking transfer factor classic any time but not if you have any rotten teeth because they might abscess .

If you have severe allergies Do to the (NEAT) or (NAET) treatment first this could take up to 4-6 months.
You can also start milk thistle anytime and vitamin C+E and CQ -10 and Epsom salt.
The most important things on this list are:

              Doxycycline, Primaquine Phosphate and  Tansfer Factor Clasic.

also Black walnut hull with  Clove and Wormwood. ...You must buy the tinctures.

Here are the instructions
I did one thing at a time first... Than I repeat the whole protocol as sugested
Doxycycline. Take 200mg a day for 5-6 weeks at night. Do not drink alcohol...(sorry)..(;;)
This kills mycoplasma, bacteria and some parasites. Unless you are allergic Do Not Try Anything Else other than Doxycycline, it probably won't work.
Note: This should be your 2-3 run.

Primaquine Phosphate..
21-24mg a day for 14-17 days..(in the morning) Start one week after you have started Doxycycline. This is for killing parasites deep inside your liver and bloodstream.

Note: This stuff is really strong be careful. If your urine turns dark yellow *Discontinued use immediately* and see your doctor.
** Get tested for a G6DP deficiency first before taking Primaquine Phosphate.**

Take a multivitamin with lots of iron FIRST before taking Primaquine Phosphate.
Note: If you get extremely tired 4-6 days after you start *** Discontinue Use!**
Wate 3-6 weeks start over.

Tansfer Factor Clasic,
Take 3-4 a day for 45 days at the same time you are taking doxycycline. Start with less if you need to. 2-3 is ok.
This is a powerful immune booster. This will help kill Parasites Viruses and Mycoplasma by increasing your natural killer cells by up to 250%.

Black walnut, Clove, Wormwood...
Take this for about 10 to 14 days when you start doxy repeat once during the 45 day treatment. This stuff is strong.
This will help kill Parasites, Viruses, and Bacteria in your stomach , bloodstream and liver also Yeast Infections. (You can take this with Primaquine)
15-30-60 drops per day. (start slow 10-15 drops)
I mix this with hot water and sugar just like coffee. A headach means you have taken to much.
Note: After this take a proboitic for 30-60 days....I take Primadophilus...(Natures way)

Zap at 9-14V for 15-60 min every day to kill parasites, viruses, bacteria and mycoplasma.
If you have a programmable zapper uses the frequencies at the bottom of this list...
If not programmable just use the base frequency or scan function.
If pre-programmed run parasite, lime and mycoplasma frequencies.
Note:......You should do this for 3-6 months at least.

(Natural illumination of allergy technique)
This is for allergies, This treatment theoretically resets your meridian. It worked for me.
(Not essential all of the time) Do this befor you start anything else.

Take according to directions on the label. Everybody loves this stuff. Can kill some parasites. Skip this if you have any side effects.

Vitamin C ....Take 2 - 3 grams a day for detox as long as you are not allergic.
Vitamin E.....Take 2 a day.
Take 1-2 multiple vitamins with iron everyday . Do not take with Primaquine Phosphate.

Epsom salt... Take 1/8-1/4 tsp in hot water 3-5 times a week. Stop if you get diarrhea.

Milk thistle...
Take 1 every day while on this protocol.
This flushes toxins and parasites out of your liver.
Befor or after this protocol take 3 a day for 3-6 months.
Do not take 3 a day while on any other drugs!...Milk thistle will reduce the efectness of most drugs.
Note: You can add more vitamins if you like. You will need them but not while you are taking Primaquine Phosphate.

Note: I Do recommend buying some kind of zaper although the protocol might work without one. They do kill some viruses and parasites in your bloodstream.

As you can see this protocol can be very much more expensive than the standard protocol.
If you just buy the regular zapper and your teeth aren't too bad this could only cost about $200-$600. I've got everything on the list except Rife, My friend bought that.
Note: Please do not e-mail me with stupid comments like, Do you know doxycycline is an antibiotic or I don't do well on those kind of antibiotics.. If you have never taken doxycycline you don't know how it will affect you. Doxycycline is not the same as tetracycline and most people can take doxycycline including me and I can't tolerate tetracycline very well.

........................... Were to get these products online..............................................
*** Talk to your doctor first before ordering any drugs online ***

1 bottle (90) Tansfer Factor Clasic made by 4-Life (available almost anywhere on the Internet)
Black walnut hull,Clove,Wormwood (all in one tinctures)

One brand available online is (Clarkia) $32.00(strong)

Another brand is ParaFree (Herbs Ect) available at most health food stores and online.
ParaFree is not quite as strong as Clarkia but you can just take more of it. (cheaper) $15.00.
I really like, La-Turista (strong) Wild Oats brand. (Wild Oats health food store)$15.00
The F-scan2 ($4,000) Yes I own one, I love it. It can scan for disease and also zapps at any frequency.

Zappers ... The Super Zapper Deluxe.....It's not too bad $189.00
Tools for healing has all of this.

Ebay has some cheap zappers..I have not tried any of these but the worlds smallest zapper is only $10.... It should work okay I think.
Rife...I will have to look it up...Some suck, some are really good($4,000) with amp.

Doxycycline ...
Buy extra.
100 count 100mg tablets $24.00 (online generic) I did not buy generic. (2 a day 35 days)

Primaquine Phosphate
They have 7mg tablets just buy a big bottle. Take 3 a day. This place is real cheap.

I am not a Doctor. This information is for entertainment purposes only. Talk to your Doctor befor following any Protocol or treatment. Always follow your doctor's advice.
 This protocol has not been approved by the FDA or any other medical establishment.

............There is no such thing as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome! .....

This is just something doctors made up when they couldn't find out what was really wrong with you.

The most common Cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one of four things or usually a combination of all four.

1... The most common cause is..Mycoplasma and or Parasites and sometimes chronic yeast infections. These can attack and overwhelm your immune system and cause it to become ineffective.
Doctors are doing a very poor job of finding Mycoplasma and or Parasites.

2.. Mercury and or lead poisoning along with other toxins. This can poison your immune system and disable it and will cause it to malfunction.
Mercury also promotes the growth of certain nasty microorganisms.

3.... Nutritional deficiencies and or a pH in balance. This usually happens in overactive people like athletes. Causes a immune system crash.

4... Becoming very unhappy or stress. ie: Tramatic event in your life.
This can reduce cell function to the point that cells can no longer do their job. (Fight or flight mode)
Our bodies were designed to fight for short periods of time only!
During fight mode, normal cell functions is turned off to save energy for fighting. Cells will not regenerate effectively while in (fight or flight mode).
The symptoms most everyone are having are symptoms from multiple infections Caused by the combination listed above and the reduction of immune function to the point where your immune system can no longer keep up.
Some people are simply suffering from Mercury poisoning.
If that is true, you need to do "Chelation Therapy" such as DMPS, DMSA. or Vitamin C- IV therapy .
These can be dangerous so be careful. Vitamin C therapy is the safest of these three. Note: (Killing disease inside of you can reduce your toxic load)
In any case, eliminating the microorganisms that were allowed to grow while you're immune system was malfunctioning will be a giant step in improving or eliminating chronic fatigue syndrome.

The cure for chronic fatigue
(not necessarily in this order)
1- kill the diseases inside of you, ..ALL THAT YOU CAN. (easy-hard)
2- Detox.. this can take a while. (easy-hard)
3- Eliminate nutritional deficiencies... Nutritional supplementation, (easy)
4- Boost and supplement your immune system.. (easy)
5- Be happy... Don't ask me how to do this one.

If you research mycoplasma infections, lime disease, tooth infections or Gulf War Syndrome you will probably notice you have some of those symptoms.

Some of these Mycoplasma and Parasites can be
Sexually transmitted and also transmitted through close contact!

If you research parasite infections including Malaria and Chagas' disease (sleeping sickness) you'll find out you have some of those symptoms.

And if you research bacterial infection you will find out you have some of those symptoms also. .
And lastly if you research vitamin and mineral deficiencys you'll find out you have some of those symptoms also .
And of course you can't forget about symptoms of toxic poisoning which is caused from the combination of disease above plus lead and mercury.

All parasites do one thing really well, eat and sh!t. Which is what they are doing inside of your body right now.
This explains the toxic poisoning and vitamin deficiencies in CFS sufferers.........

All that happen when you cought Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is you were carrying several different diseases which loaded down and damaged your immune system plus added toxins to your body.

At this point you were a walking time bomb.
All you had to do is to become defficient in one major vitamin or mineral or catch one more bug or have some kind of trauma in your life (break up with your girlfriend) or (overexercise) to reduce your already maxed out immune system and bingo. You got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

At this point we were really screwed because all the old diseases in our bodies now have free reign to grow at an increased rate and produce more toxins which will damage your immune system even more.

Viruses parasites and mycoplasma all love to try to disable your immune system so they can grow.
Get enough of them and your poor little immune system is doomed.

Did you know blood cells actually run away from certain parasites! That's no way to be healthy.

What is the CURE for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? That is simple....... KILL the diseases in your body that way your immune system has a better chance to recover and do its job. Since we know your immune system is damaged why not supplement that also.
We also know that our bodies are toxic so why not do some kind of detoxification. also don't forget to be happy and to take lots of vitamin supplements.

If this makes sense to you you will love this protocol.
I no longer have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. (After 12 years of CFS)
My immune system is getting stronger every day.
I cought my first flu last year. Why?

For the first time in 12 years my immune system was not already activated when the flu came around and for once I got sick just like everybody else... I like being like everybody else.
If you want to be like everybody else and have the courage to try something, kind of new. Follow the procedures above .

...........Doug Clean.
.........................................................................................................................................................................................................My CFS Story................................................ ...
Well back when I was 30 I had Quit smoking and started exercising every day and working out on weights constantly.
After about a year I was really getting quite strong. I could hike Squaw Peak Mountain in 17 minutes it takes most people 45 minutes.
Basically I never felt better.(note I also was going through a breakup)..

Then out of the blue I cought Something that seemed like the flu with a constant sore throat.
After two weeks it still hadn't gone away even after sleeping 10 hours a day eventually it did seem to go away..... that's what I thought....

After that every time I exercised my throat would get sore. I was in really good shape so it didn't seem like that a big of a deal.
For the next year I continually tried to exercise and every time I did it made me sick!
Finally I gave up on exercise. It took me a year but I finally figured out that exercise=flu symptoms....
If all I was doing was normal work I was OK except that I needed a little extra sleep.

Over the next five years things continue to get worse that's about the time I started doing research on the Internet.
Slowly my health was deteriorating not only could I not exercise it was getting so I couldn't work.
Luckily I was self-employed so I reduced my workload. The first thing I researched on the Internet was mononucleosis. I was convinced that's what I had, After not finding any answers about a year later I started having epileptic seizures, The worst kind... Grand Mall if my life didn't suck enough....

Since I didn't know what was wrong with me I decided to research everything..... The answer had to be there.....
Eventually I ran into chronic fatigue and realized my symptoms matched completely but still no cure......( I did eventually get diagnosed by a doctor)

Over the next year I got my teeth done (all Mercury removed)...... I started trying lots of the available alternative medicines and continually was getting new blood test for things I thought might be wrong with me......
I even spent $1000 all at once on just blood test including microplasma......
Everything came back negative except my CRP(C reactive proteins)=14... My lead was little high.....

Finally I read two things on the Internet that convinced me to behave differently, both from doctors..... One doctor had been doing live blood analysis for 35 years.... He said, "15 or 20 years ago when he examined people's blood most the time he found nothing wrong with them, But nowadays almost everybodys blood that he examined was screwed up!"..... Basically most the population was sick......

.... Immediately I tried to find somebody to do a live blood analysis... This took three months maybe longer...
I finally found a chiropractor with a killer microscope...... This procedure is called Greyfield microscopy or phase contrast .... She pricked my finger and took a drop of blood and placed it on the slide and turned on the VCR to record my blood and guess what?... It looked like sh!t...

There was even a big parasite I could see swimming around!... (link below)
She also had a biomeridian device which she scanned me with and it said I had about 15 different diseases (bugs).... At that time I found this to be impossible....

I took the video home and spent the next year trying to match the bugs with
pictures from the Internet....

I also bought the F-scan2 to scan for disease it said I had 13 different diseases

Matching pictures from the Internet... turned out to be quite difficult....(I should have used a pathologist)
Then one day I read something on the Internet from a doctor..he said. "Rather then wasting your time trying to find out what exactly is wrong with you it is much easier just to kill everything."
He also said there are more than 3000 types of bacteria and at least 600 kinds of parasites good luck trying to guess or test for which one you have....

By this point my health really sucked.... I had to fire myself from my cleaning business and I was ready to try anything.... My CRP was 14 (0-1 is normal) It said right on the paperwork that I was likely to die from a heart attack....

After reading that, My focus changed from wasting time on diagnosing, to killing bugs.... It only took about a year and I found a combination that was very potent thanks to all my research on how to kill Parasites, Mycoplasma, Viruses, Bacteria, Cancer and Heart Disease!...
.... When traditional doctors and the naturalpathic rout failed I decided to use both. Traditional antibiotics and naturalpathic treatments....IT WORKED!..
After being sick for more than 12 years I feel that I am cured of CFS and I have not had a relapse in well over a year!...almost two years now!
I tried everything on this list individually and it didn't work though I did have improvement and then I used everything at once! Thats what worked.

Also this protocol is very potent and might work on some other infections like Lyme disease possibly epilepsy if it is caused by parasites......Doug Clean ...I use to have CFS...

PS. I want to say ..Thanks to Hulda Clark.. Buy her book and a zaper or better. Thanks 4life the makers of Transfer Factor.

Note: I spent over 2,500 hr. on research and over $9,000 to come up with this protocol. You can probably do it for about $400. Or less. "
"My list of Hulda Clark frequencies that I used for my zapping.
These numbers came from me scaning with the F scan2..
Some of the names might be wrong* but not the numbers.
* Note: Some numbers have more than one bug.
Doug Clean can be found at the website where he has a journal. He has not been active on his journal since 2007. So either he is cured of CFS and is out living his live, or it is back and he is in bed again. ??

I am not advocating his protocol, but I do find parts of it very interesting, Here is a link to his story:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Doug, great info--thanks! Just a note, Vitamin C is not a heavy metal chelator, though it CAN neutralize the effects of mercury toxicity for periods. Please see more via Dr. Andrew Cutler and the VitC Research Foundation here: Thanks again for sharing your protocol. So happy you are feeling well!
