Friday, January 28, 2011

Killing off Candida is SO important - "one step at a time"

Take One Step at a Time

It can be very overwhelming to be sick with so many symptoms and illnesses -- and it can overwhelm you to learn all of this information -- your brain fog and memory or even your attention span may not allow for you to learn all of this very important information that you need in order to get healthy. So I suggest printing it out,  highlighting what is important to you and then re-reading it later a few more times.

It is very important that you approach your healing, one step at a time. Not only is it easier on you, but it also will not overwhelm and confuse your body, causing more healing and detoxifying reactions and symptoms than are necessary. Your body needs time to adjust to each change, at it's own pace and as it sees fit. Believe in your body's marvelous healing capabilities.

There is no point pushing your body since it will not get you healthy any faster. It will still take 1 month of natural healing for every year you've been unhealthy, and for most people today that is since before they were born, when they acquired such a poor "nutritional status" from their parents.

Do Not Push Your Body

Pushing your body too hard will interfere with your progress and you will experience more unnecessary symptoms and reactions, so do not:
  1. Change too many things at one time.
  2. Take supplements that are not recommended — the diet plus supplements provides all of the nutrients your body requires in order to heal itself naturally.
  3. Take supplements in lower or higher doses than recommended.
  4. Do harsh and unnecessary treatments, such as cleanses, fasting, etc. - see Not Recommended Supplements & Treatments.
  5. Take too many herbs, teas, essential oils, or other kinds of natural treatments that can interfere with proper nutrients and can overwhelm your body so it won't heal like it should.
  6. Over-exercise or do treatments that cause you to sweat too much, since they mobilize toxins and will cause more detoxifying symptoms than are necessary.
Note: Any treatments done should not interfere with "proper nutrition," which includes accupuncture or accupressure, baths, deep breathing exercises, enemas, light massages, mild exercises like dry skin brushing or walking, reflexology, etc.

Diet & Supplements Are Most Important

The Candida Diet and supplements are most important for curing candida. First, by cutting off candida's food supply and second by giving your body the nutrients it needs to do its job.
Candida is not cured by "killing it off" — it doesn't work that way. Candida is only cured by building up the overall health of your body so it becomes strong enough to "make" candida (or any other kind of bacteria or bug) "change back" into the organism it is supposed to be in a healthy body. This is mainly done with the diet and supplements, that provide "proper nutrition" so your body can heal itself naturally the way Nature intended.

Two Steps Towards Health

  1. Eliminate foods and toxins that feed candida (they also feed bacteria and cancer).
  2. Build up your health with diet and supplements, and by eliminating foods and toxins that are damaging to your health.
It is important to make changes slowly. Your body needs time to adjust to each change. Trying to change too much at once will only make you sicker, causing more healing and detoxifying symptoms than are necessary which will overwhelm you and your body.

Most people should be able to get completely on this program within 2-3 months, but others may have to take a lot longer. Some very sick people and older people with debilitating diseases may need to take up to one year to get completely on the program. In the meantime, all of the nutrients you are getting are still helping you progress towards health.

Example Plan for Making Changes

Refer to Foods That Feed Candida. A - E, Calculate Protein to Fat to Carb Ratios, Candida Supplements - Description & Doses, and Candida Supplements Chart
To get the correct supplements, see iHerb Supplements Recommended by Bee.
  1. Start taking unrefined coconut oil, at the same time as you start on the diet and supplements. Always start with small doses of coconut oil, i.e. 1 teaspoon 3 times a day (or less; some people must start with 1/4 teaspoon 3 times a day), and gradually increase it so your healing and detoxifying symptoms aren't so severe. Slowly increase it until you are able to take 6 tablespoons a day.
  2. Start eliminating some A. Sugars that feed candida (below), and at the same time start to increase good fats, i.e. butter, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil, and protein (if your intake was quite low), Do not increase proteins more than you increase good fats — try to keep a balance of 20% protein to 60% fat. If your protein intake was high you might need to lower it temporarily until you can increase your fats enough. If you do not consume enough fats in ratio to proteins it will cause constipation. It is more important to get your fat ratios up to the recommended levels than to increase protein too fast. Maintaining a correct ratio of fats to proteins will become more important as you lower carbs.
  3. Start taking supplements. You can start on all supplements at the doses given at one time, except for vitamin C. Start with 1,000 mg of vitamin C per day (taken in divided doses) and gradually increase it. Take all supplements with meals.
  4. Continue eliminating A. Sugars and start eliminating B. Dairy Products (below), as well as continuing to increase good fats and protein (if required). Also start eliminating unnatural vegetable oils and fats (except extra virgin olive oil).
  5. Continue eliminating A. Sugars, B. Dairy and work on eliminating some foods listed under C. High carb foods. Since it is more difficult to increase fats than proteins, concentrate on increasing good fats, even if you have to eat it by the spoonful with meals.
  6. At this point you should have eliminated all of A. Sugars, and B. Dairy. Continue eliminating more foods listed under C. High Carb Foods (below) and continue increasing good fats. If your fat intake is lagging do not increase protein until you are able to consume enough good fats. Also eliminate all soybean or soy products of any kind and start eliminating all processed foods.
  7. At this point you should have eliminated A, Sugars, B. Dairy and C. High Carb Foods. Now start eliminating D. High carb/sugar vegetables. At the same time work on increasing good saturated fats and continue eliminating all processed foods and all sources of yeast, fungi and molds.
  8. At this point you should have eliminated A, Sugars, B. Dairy, C. High Carb Foods and D. High carb/sugar vegetables. Eliminate E. Yeast, Mold & Fungi in Foods and Drinks. At the same time work on increasing good saturated fats and continue eliminating all processed foods.
  9. At this point you should have eliminated all foods that feed candida and all unnatural oils and fats, soy, and most processed foods. Hopefully you are now getting enough fats so you can consume the amount of protein recommended.

Foods that Feed Candida

  1. All sugars, artificial sugar or sugar substitutes (except stevia), and sources of sugars, including fruits (except lemons), honey, maple syrup and any foods and supplements that contain sugar.
  2. All dairy products, except butter, butter oil and ghee (clarified butter), including cheese, milk, cream, buttermilk, kefir, yogurt, etc. Most candida sufferers do not respond favorably to kefir and yogurt, even when it is homemade from raw dairy, so it is best to eliminate them.
  3. High carb foods such as starches, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes (plants with seed pods, i.e. peas and beans), including breads, cereal, pasta, pizza, cereal, baked goods, potatoes, etc.
  4. High carb/sugar vegetables, i.e. beets, some types of squash, corn, parsnips, sweet potatoes, yams, carrots, etc.
  5. Yeast, Mold & Fungi foods and drinks..
Please see a thorough explanation of all of these foods in the article How to Successfully Overcome Candida, so you understand why these foods feed candida and/or are damaging to health.

Bee's Candida Diet

Three Food Groups:  Protein, Fat & Carbs (carbs are all foods that are not classified as protein or fat).
  • Consume moderate protein from animal meats, eggs and seafood. Eggs are "Nature's most perfect foods," and Bee's Egg Drink is a good way to start getting enough fats, which is great for breakfast.
  • Consume high "good" fats and oils, such as natural occurring fats in meats, eggs and seafood, i.e. butter, lard, fish fats and oils, chicken fat, tallow, etc., as well as unrefined coconut oil. These "good" fats do not create body fat, like man-made vegetable fats and oils and carbs DO. They also do not cause cholesterol problems — the cholesterol theory is totally false – see How to Successfully Overcome Candida for more information.
  • Eliminate all "bad" and damaging man-made fats and oils, which includes all vegetable oils other than extra virgin olive oil, such as Canola Oil, Soybean Oil, Safflower Oil, Sunflower Oil, Wesson Oil, Crisco, margarines, etc. — they are all man-made fats and oils which act like plastic (toxic) to the body. You wouldn't melt plastic and eat it, nor should you damage your health by eating these plastic oils and fats. Also eliminate any products that contain these unnatural fats and oils.
  • Eliminate all sources of soybeans and soybean products, which are very damaging to the body - see Soy, More Poisons In It and these articles at the Weston A. Price Foundation: Soy Alert!.
  • Eliminate all processed foods and drinks.
  • Consume foods low in carbohydrates and sugars (carbs are all foods not classified as protein or fats). Only consume low carb vegetables — see Candida Diet Food List.
  • Eliminate as toxins as possible, i.e. over-the-counter drugs and other medical drugs, hormone replacement therapy (even bio-identical hormones), blood pressure pills, anti-depressants (must be slowly decreased), birth control pills, etc.
  • Also eliminate all Teflon cookware, damaging plastics (some are safe), toxic body care and household cleaning products, etc. Do not microwave any foods or beverages, not even water. Consuming foods or drinks that are microwaved or irradiated (zapped with radiation) causes damage to the body's cells, and they are carcenogenic — see Microwaving & Irradiation — A Collection of Articles for more information. Also see these articles on all kinds of Toxins to avoid.

Withdrawal Symptoms, Food Cravings & Addictions

When you eliminate foods that feed candida, and other toxic foods, i.e. man-made oils and fats, soy, and processed foods, you will get withdrawal symptoms and experience a lot of food cravings — see Food Cravings & Withdrawal Symptoms for more information and how to help curb your food cravings.

Weight Issues

Some people may lose a lot of weight on this diet, but do not be alarmed. Weight is the least of your problems when you are so unhealthy. Your body needs all of its energy and resources to heal itself, which is much more important than weight. Eventually your weight will normalize.
Some people who are overweight may initially lose weight on this program, but as they continue their weight may increase and go up and down. Eventually weight will normalize.

Healing, Detoxifying & Retracing Reactions and Symptoms

You will experience many healing and detoxifying reactions and symptoms, which is part of the healing processes your body creates in order to get healthy. Your body will also "retrace" all past symptoms, illnesses, diseases, injuries, and organ malfunctions while it is healing itself. For more information see Healing Naturally, General Information and Retracing, Healing Reactions and Flare-Ups.

"More Is NOT Better"

Remember that "more is not better" because your body can become overwhelmed and confused, just like we do when too many things are happening at same time. If you do not allow time for your body to adjust to changes or new substances you will feel sicker and become more discouraged. You cannot rush, or push, the body into getting well and there are no quick fixes. It will still take 1 month of natural healing for every year you've been unhealthy.
Quick fixes, such an antibiotics, and drugs, made us all sick with candida to begin with, and they greatly suppress the body's natural healing and detoxifying processes, without treating the "true" causes of poor health. Natural healing takes time, patience and persistence on this program long enough. Even after you are healthy you will need to continue giving your body "proper nutrients" in order to maintain life-long health.

Create Your Own Plan

It is a good idea to write down your own plan for getting onto this program. List the steps you will take, with the timing.
For example:

Week 1:

  1. Start taking unrefined coconut oil.
  2. Eliminate all sugars.
  3. List the supplements you need to buy - To get the correct supplements, see iHerb Supplements Recommended by Bee.

Week 2:

  1. Buy all supplements and start on them.
  2. Eliminate dairy products other than butter.
  3. Eliminate all unnatural fats and oils.

And So On.

Keep a Journal, Listing:

  1. Symptoms, diseases, and organ malfunctions you had just before starting the program, including emotional and mental issues.
  2. All past illnesses, symptoms, diseases, organ malfunctions, injuries, operations, exposures to toxins, emotional and mental issues, etc. and how long they lasted, i.e. days, months, or years. This will help you understand better when your body retraces them while it is healing itself.
  3. Steps you have completed on the candida program.
  4. Improvements and changes in your health as you progress, including emotional and mental improvements, as well as anything that was retraced.
When you are feeling discouraged you can review your journal and see how far you have come.

Reward Yourself

Reward yourself for following this program, i.e. a new book, a movie, a massage, a day at the SPA, or a new plant for your home. Do not to reward yourself with foods!

This is from the website:

1 comment:

  1. Great site, but why do so many of the links not work?
